Monday, March 10, 2008

Kaimon Learning to Ride a Bike

With a little convincing, Kaimon decided to take his training wheels off his bike! Paul started to take the training wheels off and Kaimon asked if he could do it himself. Paul gladly instructed him how to do it. Kaimon actually used a wrench and took them off. Kaimon rode up and down the side walk in front of our house with the watchful guidance of Paul. We thought he did great. Kaimon did not agree. He thought Paul let go of him too much -- making him almost fall. That is until he watched the video of himself. Then he realized Paul had a good grip on him and he was actually riding a bike without the training wheels. He was so excited.

Kaimon and I went out again the 2nd night to ride. Kaimon did even better -- riding longer by himself. After the ride was over he said how excited he was and how much fun it was!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Hi Kaimon,
Yahoo......Grandpa and I are so proud of you for learning to ride your two wheel bike. I bet it's really exciting to go fast down the sidewalk now....Gee, maybe we can go bike riding real soon. Keep up the good work...Guess what, I was in the 2nd grade when I learned to ride a two wheel bike also...
Grandma and Grandpa

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