Friday, January 16, 2009

We Love Because He first Loved Us

I was reading my daily devotional this morning and God spoke right to my heart. I love it when that happens. Ever since the holidays I've been in a funk ... very irritable, easily frustrated, focusing on those things that really bug me. Satan was having a blast with me. Contempt, anger, and unforgiveness had settled in. Ugly, ugly.

When I read I John 4:19, We love because he first loved us, I was struck. Even with all my "junk" God still loves me. Dear Lord, Thank You for loving me and all my junk. Please help me to love others in the same way, extending grace and compassion like You do and seeing past their quirks. Help me to appreciate the people You have put in my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Ken, Judi and family said...

You know Lori I do love you for your love of God and you humility to reach for his help. You help me.
I just wish I could do as good a job on a blog as you do.
I love you bunchies
You seem very happy
Love you

DBP said...

Lori, I have felt the same way many times and said that same prayer many times. And it always helps.


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